Monthly Archives: June 2012

Two and Half Years Post-Op

This is where we are today. Head looks good. He had a bad fall last week and I almost froze when the school called me to inform about it. I drove at breakneck speed to reach his school. D dropped everything at work and reached home in record time. Only to be greeted by a giggly BB. He had a big bump on his head, but it did not seem to bother him. After applying some ice, the bump started going down. We started breathing again.

Sudden joy

Today BB’s teacher told me that he is a very talkative boy in the class, and he was not paying much attention to learning to write. Well he is four, I do not expect him to pay any attention in class. He will learn to write eventually. He is talking … that’s all that matters for now 🙂

Happy Father’s Day

To the father…

..who has spent each and every moment in the last 4 years just making sure that his boys are happy, healthy and safe.

..who made sure that he is home on time to take them to the park.

..who made sure that he has time enough to tell them their bed time story and put them to bed.

..who stayed awake at nights to make sure that the fever, does not come back.

..who just rode on faith to make sure that his boys become stronger each day.

..who gave up watching his favorite shows, to make time to play with them or teach them to write.

..who did not hesitate a moment, to quit his job when his children needed him around.

 Happy Father’s Day D.


Yesterday afternoon, I walked into the family room to see my book shelf smeared with small hand prints. The boys were playing with chalk and decided to leave their hand prints on each and every corner of the room. My first impulse was to clean the bookshelf. But it really looked beautiful to me, small white hand prints on my black book shelf. I wanted to save this for ever. So this is what I did 🙂 ..Clicked it and saved it. I want a nice frame for this now 🙂


Junior comes and hugs me, “I love you Mommy”. My heart melts and I hug him tight . Looking into his eyes, I ask him, how much do you love Mommy? He enthusiastically spreads his arms, and this time he adds, “I love you Mommy because …”, I encourage him to complete his sentence, Yes sweetheart you love Mommy because ? My little boy runs away adding .. “Because you shoo the bugs away”!!!


My father went through a surgery yesterday. It was not a major surgery, but something that would need him to stay at the hospital overnight. I find it extremely difficult to stay away from him during these times. But in all practicality, it is never possible to plan things around me and my availability. And till now he and Ma manages to do things on their own.  My Dad being my Dad, is fiercely independent, so he refuses any help from others. I inherited this and his Diabetes from him, so I know what he means when he asks me to stay calm and that he can manage things on his own. But it kills me to know that he is going through it all alone. It takes me back in time when I was a kid and he made sure that he was there for me whenever I needed him. He never missed anything. If it meant that he needed to take time off from work, he did that. Once he flew down for just a day to be with me on my birthday. When I look back I cannot remember a single incidence when he was not able to make it in time to be there with me and Ma. So when I cannot be there, taking care of the small stuff, I hate the feeling. The fact of life is that I will be living here for the next few years and he will continue living in India and we both have to carry on with our responsibilities independently. But the fact also is that he is getting older and I see that every time I visit. I had never imagined my father as an old man. He was, to me, the strongest person on this planet. Someone who can fix everything, there was nothing that I thought he could not do. So for me it is anyways tough to see him glow older. May be as the boys grow up, and they get more independent, I can actually fly down for a few days whenever he needs me. Till then, I guess there will always be Skype.

I Love You

Someone shared this on their facebook wall today, and I fell in love with the poem 🙂

So true ..

I am your PARENT, you are my CHILD

I am your QUIET PLACE, you are my WILD

I am your CALM FACE, you are my GIGGLE

I am your WAIT, you are my WIGGLE

I am your DINNER, you are my CHOCOLATE CAKE

I am your BEDTIME, you are my WIDE AWAKE

I am your LULLABY, you are my PEEKABOO

I am your GOODNIGHT KISS, you are my I LOVE YOU